A blog dedicated to Backtrack 4 Final, with tips and tricks, plus demonstrations of what this wonderful operating system can do for you. This blog is not officially affiliated with the Backtrack project. It is a blog written by a fan of Backtrack.


Hard drive installation of Backtrack 4 Final

What I like the most about Backtrack 4 Final is that, on the desktop, there is an install.sh script. If you run it, it prompts you to install this to the hard drive. In previous versions, you needed instructions to copy into a terminal on your system and hope you didn't typo or the person who wrote the instructions didn't mess anything up.

First, it prompts you to setup the time zone. This is simple. Second, it prompts you to setup the partitioner. This is pretty much fool-proof and since I dedicated a spare desktop to Backtrack 4 Final, I decided to use the whole disk rather than dual booting Ubuntu and Backtrack 4. Third, it asks you if all your choices are correct and it finishes by installing to the hard drive.

Like I said, this is pretty much fool-proof unless you are dual booting or have crazy partitions on your hard drive. I made a silly mistake when I was copying everything to the hard drive, with trying to run an application not remembering that Backtrack 4 Final runs as a live DVD before you install it to your hard drive.

My install took about 10-15 minutes, then after I was done - I did an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade , because Backtrack 4 Final is based off of Ubuntu/Debian. There was no updates, and everything was working fine. I've got to work tonight so this will give me something to play with. The "wepbuster" tool looks very interesting to me, because in Backtrack 3, there was a tool called "SpoonWEP" that was a front-end, "point-and-click" WEP cracker for the Aircrack-NG tools. Aircrack-NG can be difficult to use sometimes and confusing, but I'll eventually learn how to use it later on when I have some spare time for myself.

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